

"Let food be thy medicine, thy medicine shall be thy food."


Organic vs. Conventional:

            Organic practices include growing and raising produce and livestock naturally without synthetic pesticides, non GMO, free range and antibiotic free. These practices are also designed to promote soil and water conservation, as well as reduce pollution.

            Pesticides and herbicides used in conventional farming have a cumulative “toxic loading” effect on the body with both immediate and long term consequences. Each person’s body responds uniquely to the accumulation of chemicals which come from a variety of sources including pesticides and herbicides on food, chemicals in the home, personal care products, and contaminants in water etc.

            Organic foods are generally more expensive than conventionally grown foods but the benefits to health and the environment are immense.  When shopping for organic foods, look out for “organic” and “100% organic” labels. Be aware of the words “natural,” “all natural,” and “hormone free,” although these may be true claims, they are not synonymous with organic.

Food Sensitivities and Allergies:

            A food sensitivity is an adverse reaction to a food or additive when it is not clear whether the reaction is due to an allergy or intolerance. They can affect any organ and cause a variety of symptoms including fatigue, anxiety, depression, insomnia, fear, ear infections, IBS, hives, muscle aches, headaches and asthma.

            A food allergy refers to a response of the immune system. Everyone will develop at least one food allergy in their lifetime. Allergies are caused by antibodies to food proteins. There are two types of food allergies, IgE mediated (5%, immediate) and IgG mediated (95%, delayed).

            Food intolerances are not immune responses but are rather caused by the body having a problem processing a food or additive.  Some of the most common food allergies include: grains, fish, peanut, eggs, soybeans, milk, nuts, celery, mustard, sesame, and sulphur dioxide and sulfites.  

Diagnoses: There are a few techniques used for discovering hidden food allergies. An elimination/reintroduction – avoidance technique can be used, as well as a rotation diet. Provocation/neutralization testing and treatment with allergy extract is another option.

       Celiac Disease: What is Celiac Disease?

-        Autoimmune reaction (small intestine)

-        A reaction to gliadin & prolamine

-        Celiac disease ≠ allergy

-        Treatment is avoidance

The Ottawa Environmental Health Clinic offers a comprehensive Nutrition and Food workshop for those interested in learning more about the topics above, as well as much more!


Jeffrey M Smith's: Seeds of Deception: Exposing Industry and Government Lies about the Safety of the Genetically Engineered Foods You're Eating.